Friday 31 December 2010

Home straight

I'm on the homeward straight to completing this assignment with a new deadline of January 12th 2011.  It's all the background stuff that holds me back and I need to find all the background details to complete the accompanying documents.

Monday 20 December 2010

Completed Images

20 Dec 2010
I have finally taken all the images I intend to use for this assignment. I have been trying to add a slideshow to my blog but it won't show the current list for my Picasa web album. I've even tried the Help but that doesn't really help.  All of a sudden the new list will appear but I have no idea how it happens.

21 Dec 2010 (winter solstice)
Success with Picasa!! I went into the Help Section in Picasa and requested advice on inserting a slideshow. Several people had put advice online but the slimplist actually worked and you can see the result on the right hand side. Now to put the back up stuff together.

As we are in the winter season and have had the heaviest snowfall for 30+ years, I have had to include some snowy pictures as part of my portfolio. I'm pleased with my choice, let's hope my tutor, CliveW, is too.

Thursday 16 December 2010

Catching up on Assignment 4 Images

19th December
Sherborne Lane in the snow
 More snow yesterday which made it extremely dangerous to walk about. The safest place was in the middle of the road where the snow had turned to slush. No buses are running as the hills are so steep around Lyme and early in the morning (sunrise is about 8.15 am) only fool hardy photographers were out and about taking pictures. Any sensible person stayed at home until later when it had warmed up a few degrees.

17th December 2010: It snowed here in Lyme last night which is a rare sight to see. I'm told that the salt in the air defeats all but the heaviest snow falls. But there is snow and I shall be out at first light to catch the last remaining images for assignment 4 (apart from the one of  carol singers around the Christmas tree on December 22nd) before other people get out and spoil the sights with their footprints.

Thursday 9 December 2010

Slow down on Assignment 4

My deadline was December 12th but I had it extended a month to January 12th 2011 as I have been so busy. I was running a class for 8 students in basic Photoshop under the auspices of the local U3A association. I hired the local Internet learning centre for four 2-hour sessions and had forgotten how much prep it takes for even short sessions.

I had not realised that one member of the class was a complete beginner in digital imaging and a couple of the men were advanced workers. This makes it very difficult as there was a wide gap between skills and I found it hard to start at the right level for the majority of students. I had prepared a session on Layers but two or three of the people found they lost their way completely so I decided to keep the lessons much simpler and just concentrate on one or two basic topics each time. 

I have also been designing a website for the local photographic club as I am now a member. All the clubs in the surrounding area have websites but Lyme Bay did not partly because there was no one to design it.  I spent about a week putting it together and am using WordPress to host it. It's fairly basic but I'm pleased with it.  See what you think, here's the address:

Assignment 4 will feature Lyme Regis in autumn/winter as an upmarket travel brochure and I think I will use one of John Fowles 'Three Town Walks' as my guide.  Lyme Regis will be all lit up for Christmas and I thought it would be interesting, as well as taking standard daylight pictures of Broad Street, see what I could achieve with the Christmas lights on. The town makes a big thing about lights as it draws the crowds in to spend money.